path: root/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/proof.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/proof.ml')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/proof.ml b/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/proof.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cde679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/proof.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+open Logic
+type context = (string * formula) list
+type goalDesc = context * formula
+type proof =
+ | Whole of goalDesc
+ | Leaf of theorem
+ | ImpInsert of theorem * proof
+ | ImpErase of theorem * proof * proof
+ | Contradiction of theorem * proof
+type goal = Goal of (goalDesc list) * (goalDesc list) * proof
+let rec numGoals pf =
+ match pf with
+ | Whole _ -> 1
+ | Leaf _ -> 0
+ | ImpInsert (_, pf) | Contradiction (_, pf) -> numGoals pf
+ | ImpErase (_, pf1, pf2) -> (numGoals pf1) + (numGoals pf2)
+let qed pf =
+ if (numGoals pf) <> 0 then failwith "proof not finished" else
+ match pf with
+ | Whole _ -> failwith "proof not finished"
+ | Leaf thm | ImpInsert (thm, _) | ImpErase (thm, _, _) | Contradiction (thm, _) -> thm
+let rec goals pf =
+ match pf with
+ | Whole gd -> [gd]
+ | Leaf _ -> []
+ | ImpInsert (_, pf) | Contradiction (_, pf) -> goals pf
+ | ImpErase (_, pf1, pf2) -> (goals pf1) @ (goals pf2)
+let proof g f =
+ Whole (g, f)
+let goal (Goal (bef, aft, pf)) =
+ if aft == [] then failwith "Goal is empty" else (List.hd aft)
+let focus n pf =
+ let add_goal (Goal (bef, aft, pf)) gl =
+ Goal (bef, gl::aft, pf)
+ in let goal = List.fold_left add_goal (Goal ([], [], pf)) (goals pf) in
+ let unfocus gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let next gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let prev gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let intro name gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let apply f gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let apply_thm thm gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let apply_assm name gl =
+ (* TODO: zaimplementuj *)
+ failwith "not implemented"
+let pp_print_proof fmtr pf =
+ let ngoals = numGoals pf
+ and goals = goals pf
+ in if ngoals = 0
+ then Format.pp_print_string fmtr "No more subgoals"
+ else begin
+ Format.pp_open_vbox fmtr (-100);
+ Format.pp_open_hbox fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr "There are";
+ Format.pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_int fmtr ngoals;
+ Format.pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr "subgoals:";
+ Format.pp_close_box fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_cut fmtr ();
+ goals |> List.iteri (fun n (_, f) ->
+ Format.pp_print_cut fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_open_hbox fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_int fmtr (n + 1);
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr ":";
+ Format.pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f;
+ Format.pp_close_box fmtr ());
+ Format.pp_close_box fmtr ()
+ end
+let pp_print_goal fmtr gl =
+ let (g, f) = goal gl
+ in
+ Format.pp_open_vbox fmtr (-100);
+ g |> List.iter (fun (name, f) ->
+ Format.pp_print_cut fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_open_hbox fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr name;
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr ":";
+ Format.pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f;
+ Format.pp_close_box fmtr ());
+ Format.pp_print_cut fmtr ();
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr (String.make 40 '=');
+ Format.pp_print_cut fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f;
+ Format.pp_close_box fmtr ()