path: root/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/logic.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/logic.ml')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/logic.ml b/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/logic.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234123e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semestr-3/pf/lista5/proof/logic.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(* type formula = False | Var of string | Imp of formula * formula
+ let rec string_of_formula = function
+ | False -> "F"
+ | Var s -> s
+ | Imp (f1, f2) -> "(" ^ (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2) ^ ")"
+ (* match (f1, f2) with
+ | (Var v1, Var v2) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (Var v1, False) | (False, Var v1) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (False, False) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (f1, f2) -> "(" ^ (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2) ^ ")" *)
+ let pp_print_formula fmtr f =
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr (string_of_formula f)
+ type verdict = { assump : formula list; concl : formula }
+ type theorem =
+ | Assumption of verdict
+ | ImpInsert of verdict * theorem
+ | ImpErase of verdict * theorem * theorem
+ | Contradiction of verdict * theorem
+ let get_verdict thm = match thm with
+ | Assumption f -> f
+ | ImpInsert (v, _) | ImpErase (v, _, _) | Contradiction (v, _) -> v
+ let assumptions thm = (get_verdict thm).assump
+ let consequence thm = (get_verdict thm).concl
+ let pp_print_theorem fmtr thm =
+ let open Format in
+ pp_open_hvbox fmtr 2;
+ begin match assumptions thm with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | f :: fs ->
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f;
+ fs |> List.iter (fun f ->
+ pp_print_string fmtr ",";
+ pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f);
+ pp_print_space fmtr ()
+ end;
+ pp_open_hbox fmtr ();
+ pp_print_string fmtr "⊢";
+ pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr (consequence thm);
+ pp_close_box fmtr ();
+ pp_close_box fmtr ()
+ let by_assumption f =
+ Assumption { assump=[f]; concl=f }
+ let imp_i f thm =
+ let premise = get_verdict thm
+ in ImpInsert ({assump=(List.filter ((<>) f) premise.assump); concl=(Imp (f, premise.concl))}, thm)
+ let imp_e th1 th2 =
+ let premise1 = get_verdict th1 in
+ let premise2 = get_verdict th2 in
+ match premise1.concl with
+ | False | Var _ -> failwith "th1 conclusion is not implication"
+ | Imp (phi, psi) -> if phi <> premise2.concl then failwith "th1 conclusion's premise is not th2 premise conclusion" else
+ ImpErase ({assump=(premise1.assump @ premise2.assump); concl=(psi)}, th1, th2)
+ let bot_e f thm =
+ match get_verdict thm with
+ | {assump=ass; concl=False}-> (Contradiction ({assump=ass; concl=f}, thm))
+ | _ -> failwith "thm conclusion is not False"
+ let taut = (imp_i (Var "p") (by_assumption (Var "p")))
+ let taut2 = (imp_i (Var "p") (imp_i (Var "q") (by_assumption (Var "p"))))
+ let imppqr = Imp (Var "p", Imp (Var "q", Var "r"))
+ let imppq = Imp (Var "p", Var "q")
+ let imppr = Imp (Var "p", Var "r")
+ let taut3 = (imp_i (imppqr) (imp_i imppq (by_assumption imppr))) *)
+type formula = False | Var of string | Imp of formula * formula
+let rec string_of_formula f =
+ match f with
+ False -> "⊥"
+ | Var str -> str
+ | Imp (f1, f2) -> let str1 = string_of_formula f1 in
+ (match f1 with
+ Imp (_, _) -> "(" ^ str1 ^ ")"
+ | _ -> str1) ^ " ⇒ " ^ string_of_formula f2
+(* match (f1, f2) with
+ | (Var v1, Var v2) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (Var v1, False) | (False, Var v1) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (False, False) -> (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2)
+ | (f1, f2) -> "(" ^ (string_of_formula f1) ^ " -> " ^ (string_of_formula f2) ^ ")" *)
+let pp_print_formula fmtr f =
+ Format.pp_print_string fmtr (string_of_formula f)
+type theorem = { assump : formula list; concl : formula }
+let assumptions thm = thm.assump
+let consequence thm = thm.concl
+let pp_print_theorem fmtr thm =
+ let open Format in
+ pp_open_hvbox fmtr 2;
+ begin match assumptions thm with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | f :: fs ->
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f;
+ fs |> List.iter (fun f ->
+ pp_print_string fmtr ",";
+ pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr f);
+ pp_print_space fmtr ()
+ end;
+ pp_open_hbox fmtr ();
+ pp_print_string fmtr "⊢";
+ pp_print_space fmtr ();
+ pp_print_formula fmtr (consequence thm);
+ pp_close_box fmtr ();
+ pp_close_box fmtr ()
+let by_assumption f =
+ { assump=[f]; concl=f }
+let imp_i f thm =
+ { assump=(List.filter ((<>) f) thm.assump); concl=(Imp (f, thm.concl)) }
+let imp_e th1 th2 =
+ match th1.concl with
+ | False | Var _ -> failwith "th1 conclusion is not implication"
+ | Imp (phi, psi) -> if phi <> th2.concl then failwith "th1 conclusion's premise is not th2 premise conclusion" else
+ { assump = th1.assump @ th2.assump; concl = psi}
+let bot_e f thm =
+ match thm with
+ | {assump=ass; concl=False} -> {assump=ass; concl=f}
+ | _ -> failwith "thm conclusion is not False"