path: root/Semestr 2/racket/l11z20/solution.rkt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Semestr 2/racket/l11z20/solution.rkt')
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diff --git a/Semestr 2/racket/l11z20/solution.rkt b/Semestr 2/racket/l11z20/solution.rkt
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--- a/Semestr 2/racket/l11z20/solution.rkt
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-#lang racket
-(require "graph.rkt")
-(provide bag-stack@ bag-fifo@)
-;; struktura danych - stos
-(define-unit bag-stack@
- (import)
- (export bag^)
- (define (bag? b)
- (and (cons? b)
- (eq? (car b) 'stack)))
- (define empty-bag (cons 'stack null))
- (define (bag-empty? b)
- (null? (cdr b)))
- (define (bag-insert b val)
- (cons 'stack (cons val (cdr b))))
- (define (bag-peek b)
- (cadr b))
- (define (bag-remove b)
- (cons 'stack (cddr b)))
-;; struktura danych - kolejka FIFO
-(define-unit bag-fifo@
- (import)
- (export bag^)
- (define (bag? b)
- (and (list? b)
- (eq? (length b) 3)
- (eq? (first b) 'queue)))
- (define empty-bag
- (list 'queue null null))
- (define (bag-empty? b)
- (and (null? (second b)) (null? (third b))))
- (define (bag-insert b val)
- (list 'queue (cons val (second b)) (third b)))
- (define (bag-peek b)
- (let ((insq (second b))
- (popq (third b)))
- (cond
- [(null? popq) (last insq)]
- [else (first popq)])))
- (define (bag-remove b)
- (let ((insq (second b))
- (popq (third b)))
- (cond
- [(null? popq) (list 'queue null (cdr (reverse insq)))]
- [else (list 'queue insq (cdr popq))])))
-;; otwarcie komponentów stosu i kolejki
-(define-values/invoke-unit bag-stack@
- (import)
- (export (prefix stack: bag^)))
-(define-values/invoke-unit bag-fifo@
- (import)
- (export (prefix fifo: bag^)))
-;; testy w Quickchecku
-(require quickcheck)
-;; liczba zapytań na test quickchecka
-(define TESTS 1000)
-;; xs to lista jakichś liczb, queries to rodzaj wykonywanych operacji
-;; 0 - popuje na listę pops
-;; 1 - insertuje na queue
-;; jest nie ma nic na kolejce/stosie i dostajemy 0, to nic nie robimy
-;; jesli queries albo xs są puste to po prostu kończymy obsługiwanie zapytań
-;; na koncu sprawdzamy, czy (reverse pops) jest prefiksem xs
-(define (check-queue xs queries)
- (define (iter xs queries queue pops)
- ;; (display queue)
- ;; (newline)
- (if (or (null? queries) (null? xs))
- (reverse pops)
- (cond
- [(and (eq? (car queries) 0) (not (fifo:bag-empty? queue)))
- (iter xs (cdr queries) (fifo:bag-remove queue) (cons (fifo:bag-peek queue) pops))]
- [else (iter (cdr xs) (cdr queries) (fifo:bag-insert queue (car xs)) pops)])))
- (define (is-prefix? xs ys)
- (if (null? xs)
- #t
- (and (equal? (car xs) (car ys)) (is-prefix? (cdr xs) (cdr ys)))))
- (is-prefix? (iter xs queries fifo:empty-bag null) xs))
-;; sprawdzenie czy nasza funkcja testująca w ogóle działa
-(define check-queue-test (lambda () (check-queue (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0))))
-;; testowanie kolejki
-(define-unit queue-tests@
- (import bag^)
- (export)
- (quickcheck
- (property ([xs (choose-list (choose-real -100000 100000) TESTS)]
- [ops (choose-list (choose-integer 0 1) TESTS)])
- (check-queue xs ops))))
-(invoke-unit queue-tests@ (import (prefix fifo: bag^)))
-;; niestety tutaj nie jest tak kolorowo, na kolejce
-;; dokładnie wiemy jaka jest koljeność popowanych, na stosie to dosyć dowolne.
-;; Z drugiej strony jego implementacja jest dużo prostsza, więc testy też nie muszą
-;; być bardzo rygorystyczne.
-(define (check-stack xs)
- (define (insert-list stack xs)
- (if (null? xs)
- stack
- (insert-list (stack:bag-insert stack (car xs)) (cdr xs))))
- (define (clear-stack stack pops)
- (if (stack:bag-empty? stack)
- pops
- (clear-stack (stack:bag-remove stack) (cons (stack:bag-peek stack) pops))))
- (equal? xs (clear-stack (insert-list stack:empty-bag xs) null)))
-;; testowanie stacka
-(define-unit stack-tests@
- (import bag^)
- (export)
- (quickcheck
- (property ([xs (choose-list (choose-real -100000 100000) TESTS)])
- (check-stack xs))))
-(invoke-unit stack-tests@ (import (prefix stack: bag^)))
-;; testy kolejek i stosów
-(define-unit bag-tests@
- (import bag^)
- (export)
- ;; test przykładowy: jeśli do pustej struktury dodamy element
- ;; i od razu go usuniemy, wynikowa struktura jest pusta
- (quickcheck
- (property ([s arbitrary-symbol])
- (bag-empty? (bag-remove (bag-insert empty-bag s)))))
- ;; Sprawdzenie własności wspólnych dla obu struktur
- (quickcheck
- (property ([s arbitrary-symbol])
- (equal? s (bag-peek (bag-insert empty-bag s)))))
-;; uruchomienie testów dla obu struktur danych
-(invoke-unit bag-tests@ (import (prefix stack: bag^)))
-(invoke-unit bag-tests@ (import (prefix fifo: bag^)))
-;; otwarcie komponentu grafu
-(define-values/invoke-unit/infer simple-graph@)
-;; otwarcie komponentów przeszukiwania
-;; w głąb i wszerz
-(define-values/invoke-unit graph-search@
- (import graph^ (prefix stack: bag^))
- (export (prefix dfs: graph-search^)))
-(define-values/invoke-unit graph-search@
- (import graph^ (prefix fifo: bag^))
- (export (prefix bfs: graph-search^)))
-;; graf testowy
-(define test-graph
- (graph
- (list 1 2 3 4)
- (list (edge 1 3)
- (edge 1 2)
- (edge 2 4))))
-(define test-graph2
- (graph (list 1) null))
-(define test-graph3
- (graph (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
- (list (edge 1 2)
- (edge 1 3)
- (edge 2 3)
- (edge 3 2)
- (edge 3 5)
- (edge 6 5)
- (edge 5 7)
- (edge 5 8)
- (edge 7 9)
- (edge 8 9)
- (edge 9 10)
- (edge 1 10)
- (edge 10 1))))
-(define test-graph4
- (graph (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)
- (list (edge 1 2)
- (edge 2 3)
- (edge 3 4)
- (edge 4 5)
- (edge 5 6))))
-;; uruchomienie przeszukiwania na przykładowym grafie
-(bfs:search test-graph 1)
-(dfs:search test-graph 1)
-(bfs:search test-graph2 1)
-(dfs:search test-graph2 1)
-(bfs:search test-graph3 1)
-(dfs:search test-graph3 1)
-(bfs:search test-graph3 6)
-(dfs:search test-graph3 6)
-(bfs:search test-graph4 1)
-(dfs:search test-graph4 1)