path: root/semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml
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authorFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-10-05 21:49:54 +0200
committerFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-10-05 21:49:54 +0200
commitc5fcf7179a83ef65c86c6a4a390029149e518649 (patch)
treed29ffc5b86a0d257453cedcf87d91a13d8bf3b0d /semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml
parentf8a88b6a4aba1f66d04711a9330eaba49a50c463 (diff)
Duzy commit ze smieciami
Diffstat (limited to 'semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml b/semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32ea4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semestr-3/pf/lista4/lista4.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* Zadanie 1 *)
+type 'a btree = Leaf | Node of 'a btree * 'a * 'a btree
+let is_balanced bt =
+ let rec check = function
+ | Leaf -> 0
+ | Node (rt, x, lt) ->
+ let left_weight = check lt
+ in if left_weight == -1 then -1 else
+ let right_weight = check rt
+ in if right_weight == -1 then -1 else
+ if abs (left_weight - right_weight) <= 1 then left_weight + right_weight + 1 else -1
+ in if check bt == -1 then false else true
+let rec preorder = function
+ | Leaf -> []
+ | Node (lt, x, rt) ->
+ x :: ((preorder lt) @ (preorder rt))
+let bt = Node ((Node ((Node (Leaf, 3, Leaf)), 2, Leaf)),
+ 1,
+ (Node (Node (Leaf, 5, Leaf), 4, Node (Leaf, 6, Leaf))))
+let reverse xs =
+ let rec iter res = function
+ | [] -> res
+ | hd :: tl -> (iter (hd :: res) tl) in
+ iter [] xs
+let halve xs =
+ let rec iter xs crawl sth =
+ match crawl with
+ [] -> (sth, xs)
+ | [x] -> (sth, xs)
+ | st :: nd :: tl -> iter (List.tl xs) tl ((List.hd xs) :: sth) in
+ let sth, ndh = iter xs xs [] in
+ ((reverse sth), ndh)
+let rec bt_of_list = function
+ | [] -> Leaf
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let (sth, ndh) = (halve xs)
+ in Node (bt_of_list sth, x, bt_of_list ndh)
+(* Zadanie 2 *)
+type 'a place = PNil | Place of 'a list * 'a list
+let findNth xs n =
+ let rec iter xs n = match xs, n with
+ | [], 0 -> PNil
+ | [], n -> failwith "n too big"
+ | xs, 0 -> Place ([], xs)
+ | x :: xs, n -> match (iter xs (n - 1)) with
+ | PNil -> Place ([x], [])
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> Place (x :: bef, aft)
+ in match iter xs n with
+ | PNil -> PNil
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> Place (reverse bef, aft)
+let collapse = function
+ | PNil -> []
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> List.rev_append bef aft
+let add x = function
+ | PNil -> Place ([], [x])
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> Place (bef, x :: aft)
+let del = function
+ | PNil -> failwith "empty place"
+ | Place (_, []) -> failwith "nothing at this place"
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> Place (bef, List.tl aft)
+let next = function
+ | PNil -> failwith "empty place"
+ | Place (_, []) -> failwith "nothing next to this place"
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> let x = List.hd aft
+ in Place (x :: bef, List.tl aft)
+let prev = function
+ | PNil -> failwith "empty place"
+ | Place ([], _) -> failwith "nothing next to this place"
+ | Place (bef, aft) -> let x = List.hd bef
+ in Place (List.tl bef, x :: aft)
+(* Pierwszy element -- drzewo ukorzenione w aktualnym wierzcholku po usunieciu synow (czyli ojciec jest nowym synem)
+ Drugi element -- prawe poddrzewo
+ Trzeci element -- lewe poddrzewo *)
+type 'a btplace = 'a btree * 'a btree * 'a btree