path: root/semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs
diff options
authorFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-10-05 21:49:54 +0200
committerFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-10-05 21:49:54 +0200
commitc5fcf7179a83ef65c86c6a4a390029149e518649 (patch)
treed29ffc5b86a0d257453cedcf87d91a13d8bf3b0d /semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs
parentf8a88b6a4aba1f66d04711a9330eaba49a50c463 (diff)
Duzy commit ze smieciami
Diffstat (limited to 'semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs b/semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647fa30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semestr-3/pf/lista10/l10.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import System.IO (IOMode(ReadMode, ReadWriteMode), openFile, stdout, hIsEOF, hGetChar, hPutChar, Handle, isEOF, BufferMode(NoBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdin )
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+-- Zadanie 1
+int :: (String -> a) -> String -> Integer -> a
+int f s n = f (s ++ show n)
+str :: (String -> a) -> String -> String -> a
+str f s1 s2 = f (s1 ++ s2)
+lit :: String -> (String -> a) -> String -> a
+lit s f s2 = f (s2 ++ s)
+(^^) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
+(^^) f g x = f (g x)
+sprintf :: ((a -> a) -> [Char] -> t) -> t
+sprintf f = f id ""
+-- Zadanie 2
+data Format a b where
+ Lit :: String -> Format a a
+ Int :: Format a (Int -> a)
+ Str :: Format a (String -> a)
+ (:^:) :: Format c b -> Format a c -> Format a b
+ksprintf :: Format a b -> (String -> a) -> String -> b
+ksprintf (Lit s1) cont = \s2 -> cont (s2 ++ s1)
+ksprintf Int cont = \s n -> cont (s ++ show n)
+ksprintf Str cont = \s1 s2 -> cont (s1 ++ s2)
+ksprintf (a :^: b) cont = ksprintf a (ksprintf b cont)
+kprintf :: Format a b -> (IO () -> a) -> b
+kprintf (Lit s1) cont = cont (putStr s1)
+kprintf Int cont = \n -> cont (putStr (show n))
+kprintf Str cont = \s -> cont (putStr s)
+kprintf (a :^: b) cont = kprintf a (\s1 -> kprintf b (\s2 -> cont (s1 >> s2)))
+printf :: Format (IO ()) b -> b
+printf frmt = kprintf frmt id
+sprintf2 :: Format String b -> b
+sprintf2 frmt = ksprintf frmt id ""
+-- Zadanie 3
+echoLower :: IO ()
+echoLower = do x <- getChar
+ putChar (toLower x)
+ echoLower
+-- Zadanie 4
+data StreamTrans i o a
+ = Return a
+ | ReadS (Maybe i -> StreamTrans i o a)
+ | WriteS o (StreamTrans i o a)
+myToLower :: StreamTrans Char Char ()
+myToLower = ReadS f where
+ f (Just i) = WriteS (toLower i) myToLower
+ f Nothing = Return ()
+runStreams :: StreamTrans Char Char a -> IO a
+runStreams (Return a) = return a
+runStreams (ReadS f) = do
+ eof <- isEOF
+ if eof
+ then runStreams (f Nothing)
+ else do
+ c <- getChar
+ runStreams (f (Just c))
+runStreams (WriteS out str) = do
+ putChar out
+ runStreams str
+-- Zadanie 5
+listTrans :: StreamTrans i o a -> [i] -> ([o], a)
+listTrans (Return a) xs = ([], a)
+listTrans (ReadS f) [] = listTrans (f Nothing) []
+listTrans (ReadS f) (x:xs) = listTrans (f (Just x)) xs
+listTrans (WriteS out str) xs =
+ let (ys, a) = listTrans str xs
+ in (out : ys, a)
+-- Zadanie 6
+runCycle :: StreamTrans a a b -> b
+runCycle (Return b) = b
+runCycle (ReadS f) = runCycle (f Nothing)
+runCycle (WriteS out (ReadS f)) = runCycle (f (Just out))
+runCycle (WriteS _ str) = runCycle str
+-- Zadanie 7
+(|>|) :: StreamTrans i m a -> StreamTrans m o b -> StreamTrans i o b
+_ |>| Return b = Return b
+ReadS f |>| stream = ReadS (\input -> (f input) |>| stream)
+WriteS out stream |>| ReadS f = stream |>| f (Just out)
+stream1 |>| WriteS out stream2 = WriteS out (stream1 |>| stream2)
+stream |>| ReadS f = stream |>| f Nothing
+-- Zadanie 8
+catchOutput :: StreamTrans i o a -> StreamTrans i b (a, [o])
+catchOutput = aux []
+ where
+ aux xs (Return a) = Return (a, xs)
+ aux xs (ReadS f) = ReadS (\i -> aux xs (f i))
+ aux xs (WriteS out stream) = aux (out : xs) stream
+-- Zadanie 9
+data BF
+ = MoveR -- >
+ | MoveL -- <
+ | Inc -- +
+ | Dec -- -
+ | Output -- .
+ | Input -- ,
+ | While [BF] -- [ ]
+ deriving Show
+brainfuckParser :: StreamTrans Char BF Bool
+brainfuckParser = ReadS $ \x -> case x of
+ Nothing -> Return False
+ Just '>' -> WriteS MoveR brainfuckParser
+ Just '<' -> WriteS MoveL brainfuckParser
+ Just '+' -> WriteS Inc brainfuckParser
+ Just '-' -> WriteS Dec brainfuckParser
+ Just '.' -> WriteS Output brainfuckParser
+ Just ',' -> WriteS Input brainfuckParser
+ Just '[' -> do (b, loop) <- catchOutput brainfuckParser
+ if b then WriteS (While loop) brainfuckParser
+ else Return False
+ Just ']' -> Return True
+ Just _ -> brainfuckParser
+-- Zadanie 10
+type Tape = ([Integer], [Integer])
+evalBF :: Tape -> BF -> StreamTrans Char Char Tape
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) MoveR = Return (y : xs, ys)
+evalBF (x : xs, ys) MoveL = Return (xs, x : ys)
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) Inc = Return (xs, (y + 1) : ys)
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) Dec = Return (xs, (y - 1) : ys)
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) Output = WriteS (coerceEnum y :: Char) (Return (xs, y : ys))
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) Input = ReadS (\i -> case i of
+ Nothing -> Return (xs, y : ys)
+ Just i -> Return (xs, (coerceEnum i :: Integer) : ys))
+evalBF (xs, y : ys) (While loop) =
+ if y == 0 then Return (xs, y : ys)
+ else do
+ loopTape <- evalBFBlock (xs, y : ys) loop
+ evalBF loopTape (While loop)
+evalBFBlock :: Tape -> [BF] -> StreamTrans Char Char Tape
+evalBFBlock tape [] = Return tape
+evalBFBlock tape (bf : bfcode) =
+ do result <- evalBF tape bf
+ evalBFBlock result bfcode
+coerceEnum :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
+coerceEnum = toEnum . fromEnum
+runBF :: [BF] -> StreamTrans Char Char ()
+runBF bfcode = do evalBFBlock (repeat 0, repeat 0) bfcode
+ return ()
+runIOStreamTransWithHandles :: Handle -> Handle -> StreamTrans Char Char a -> IO a
+runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out (Return a) = return a
+runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out (ReadS f) = do
+ eof <- hIsEOF inp
+ if eof then
+ runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out $ f Nothing
+ else do
+ ch <- hGetChar inp
+ runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out $ f (Just ch)
+runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out (WriteS o str) = do
+ hPutChar out o
+ runIOStreamTransWithHandles inp out str
+runIOStreamTrans :: StreamTrans Char Char a -> IO a
+runIOStreamTrans = runIOStreamTransWithHandles stdin stdout
+instance Functor (StreamTrans i o) where
+ fmap f (Return a) = Return $ f a
+ fmap f (ReadS g) = ReadS $ fmap f . g
+ fmap f (WriteS o s) = WriteS o $ fmap f s
+instance Applicative (StreamTrans i o) where
+ Return f <*> s = fmap f s
+ WriteS o sf <*> sa = WriteS o (sf <*> sa)
+ ReadS g <*> s = ReadS $ (<*> s) . g
+ pure = Return
+instance Monad (StreamTrans i o) where
+ Return a >>= f = f a
+ ReadS g >>= f = ReadS $ (>>= f) . g
+ WriteS o s >>= f = WriteS o (s >>= f)
+-- main = do
+-- filename : _ <- getArgs
+-- handle <- openFile filename ReadMode
+-- (_, bfs) <- runIOStreamTransWithHandles handle handle $ catchOutput brainfuckParser
+-- runIOStreamTrans $ runBF bfs
+data BT a = L a | N (BT a) (BT a)
+ -- deriving show
+tt = N (N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (L 4)) (L 3)
+traverseBt :: BT a -> [a]
+traverseBt (L x) = [x]
+traverseBt (N tl tr) = (traverseBt tr) ++ (traverseBt tl)
+witaj :: IO ()
+witaj = putStr \ No newline at end of file