path: root/Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt
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authorFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-02-25 14:42:55 +0100
committerFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2021-02-25 14:42:55 +0100
commit9477dbe667f250ecd23f8fc0d56b942191526421 (patch)
treea4b50c9a726f415f835f5311c11c5d66e95f688c /Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt
parent1968c1e590077bd51844eacfac722d7963848cb8 (diff)
Stare semestry, niepoukladane
Diffstat (limited to 'Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt')
-rw-r--r--Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt105
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt b/Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78319e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Semestr 2/racket/leftist.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#lang racket
+(provide make-elem elem-priority elem-val empty-heap heap-insert heap-merge heap-min heap-pop heap-empty?)
+(define (inc n)
+ (+ n 1))
+;;; tagged lists
+(define (tagged-list? len-xs tag xs)
+ (and (list? xs)
+ (= len-xs (length xs))
+ (eq? (first xs) tag)))
+;;; ordered elements
+(define (make-elem pri val)
+ (cons pri val))
+(define (elem-priority x)
+ (car x))
+(define (elem-val x)
+ (cdr x))
+;;; leftist heaps (after Okasaki)
+;; data representation
+(define leaf 'leaf)
+(define (leaf? h) (eq? 'leaf h))
+(define (hnode? h)
+ (and (tagged-list? 5 'hnode h)
+ (natural? (caddr h))))
+(define (make-hnode elem heap-a heap-b)
+ (if (< (rank heap-a) (rank heap-b))
+ (list 'hnode elem (+ (rank heap-a) 1) heap-b heap-a)
+ (list 'hnode elem (+ (rank heap-b) 1) heap-a heap-b)))
+(define (hnode-elem h)
+ (second h))
+(define (hnode-left h)
+ (fourth h))
+(define (hnode-right h)
+ (fifth h))
+(define (hnode-rank h)
+ (third h))
+(define (hord? p h)
+ (or (leaf? h)
+ (<= p (elem-priority (hnode-elem h)))))
+(define (heap? h)
+ (or (leaf? h)
+ (and (hnode? h)
+ (heap? (hnode-left h))
+ (heap? (hnode-right h))
+ (<= (rank (hnode-right h))
+ (rank (hnode-left h)))
+ (= (rank h) (inc (rank (hnode-right h))))
+ (hord? (elem-priority (hnode-elem h))
+ (hnode-left h))
+ (hord? (elem-priority (hnode-elem h))
+ (hnode-right h)))))
+(define (rank h)
+ (if (leaf? h)
+ 0
+ (hnode-rank h)))
+;; operations
+(define empty-heap leaf)
+(define (heap-empty? h)
+ (leaf? h))
+(define (heap-insert elt heap)
+ (heap-merge heap (make-hnode elt leaf leaf)))
+(define (heap-min heap)
+ (hnode-elem heap))
+(define (heap-pop heap)
+ (heap-merge (hnode-left heap) (hnode-right heap)))
+(define (heap-merge h1 h2)
+ (cond
+ [(leaf? h1) h2]
+ [(leaf? h2) h1]
+ [else (let ((h1-min (heap-min h1))
+ (h2-min (heap-min h2)))
+ (if (< (elem-priority h1-min) (elem-priority h2-min))
+ (make-hnode h1-min (heap-merge (hnode-left h1) (hnode-right h1)) h2)
+ (make-hnode h2-min h1 (heap-merge (hnode-left h2) (hnode-right h2)))))]))
+;;; check that a list is sorted (useful for longish lists)
+(define (sorted? xs)
+ (cond [(null? xs) true]
+ [(null? (cdr xs)) true]
+ [(<= (car xs) (cadr xs)) (sorted? (cdr xs))]
+ [else false]))