path: root/cube.c
diff options
authorFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2022-04-24 20:22:42 +0200
committerFranciszek Malinka <franciszek.malinka@gmail.com>2022-04-24 20:22:42 +0200
commit813ad125c75efb46c3260ce58ae3663d7ab4b9c6 (patch)
tree3cc8966e7b42bfbb8c7d879507b1f1a3bbee90f1 /cube.c
parente8a8c8aee1f1bd48c9d4e4e160998aba314b3420 (diff)
Switched (unfortunatelly) to c++, added sensible makefile
Diffstat (limited to 'cube.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/cube.c b/cube.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e0423..0000000
--- a/cube.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "khash.h"
-#define FACE32
-// #define FACE64
-#ifdef FACE32
-typedef uint32_t face_t;
-const uint32_t M012 = 0x00000fff;
-const uint32_t M234 = 0x000fff00;
-const uint32_t M456 = 0x0fff0000;
-const uint32_t M670 = 0xff00000f;
-typedef uint64_t face_t;
-#endif /* FACE32 */
-typedef enum {
- UP = 0,
- LEFT = 1,
- FRONT = 2,
- RIGHT = 3,
- BACK = 4,
- DOWN = 5
-} cube_side;
-typedef enum {
- WHITE = 0,
- ORANGE = 1,
- GREEN = 2,
- RED = 3,
- BLUE = 4,
- YELLOW = 5,
-} colors;
-typedef struct {
- face_t faces[6];
-} cube_t;
-/* Macros for generating rotation functions ***********************************/
-#define ROR(x, y) (face_t)((long)(x) >> (y) | (long)(x) << ((8*sizeof(face_t)) - (y)))
-static inline face_t ror(face_t x, face_t y) {
- return ROR(x, y);
-#define PASTE(to, from, M1, M2) { \
- to = ((to) & ~(M ## M1)) | ((from) & M ## M2); \
-#define PASTE_ROR(to, from, M1, M2, len) { \
- (to) = ((to) & ~(M ## M1)) | ror((from) & M ## M2, len * sizeof(face_t)); \
-#define PASTE_FACE(cube, to, from, M1, M2) { \
- PASTE((cube).faces[to], (cube).faces[from], M1, M2); \
-#define PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, to, from, M1, M2, len) { \
- PASTE_ROR((cube).faces[to], (cube).faces[from], M1, M2, len); \
-#define ABSTRACT_ROTATION_90(cube, face, len, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C0, C1, C2, C3) { \
- (cube).faces[face] = ror((cube).faces[face], len * sizeof(face_t)); \
- face_t temporary_var = (cube).faces[f0]; \
- PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, f0, f1, M0, M1, C0); \
- PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, f1, f2, M1, M2, C1); \
- PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, f2, f3, M2, M3, C2); \
- PASTE_ROR((cube).faces[f3], temporary_var, M3, M0, C3); \
-#define ABSTRACT_ROTATION_180(cube, face, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C01, C23) { \
- (cube).faces[face] = ror((cube).faces[face], 4 * sizeof(face_t)); \
- face_t temporary_var = (cube).faces[f0]; \
- PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, f0, f1, M0, M1, C01); \
- PASTE_ROR((cube).faces[f1], temporary_var, M1, M0, C01); \
- temporary_var = (cube).faces[f2]; \
- PASTE_FACE_ROR(cube, f2, f3, M2, M3, C23); \
- PASTE_ROR((cube).faces[f3], temporary_var, M3, M2, C23); \
-#define DEFINE_ROTATION_90(rotation, face, len, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C0, C1, C2, C3) \
-static void rotation_ ## rotation (cube_t *cube) { \
- ABSTRACT_ROTATION_90(*cube, face, len, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C0, C1, C2, C3); \
-#define DEFINE_ROTATION_180(rotation, face, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C01, C23) \
-static void rotation_ ## rotation (cube_t *cube) { \
- ABSTRACT_ROTATION_180(*cube, face, f0, M0, f1, M1, f2, M2, f3, M3, C01, C23); \
-/* Clockwise rotations */
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(r, RIGHT, 6, FRONT, 234, DOWN, 234, BACK, 670, UP, 234, 0, 4, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(l, LEFT, 6, FRONT, 670, UP, 670, BACK, 234, DOWN, 670, 0, 4, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(u, UP, 6, FRONT, 012, RIGHT, 012, BACK, 012, LEFT, 012, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(d, DOWN, 6, FRONT, 456, LEFT, 456, BACK, 456, RIGHT, 456, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(f, FRONT, 6, UP, 456, LEFT, 234, DOWN, 012, RIGHT, 670, 6, 6, 6, 6)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(b, BACK, 6, UP, 012, RIGHT, 234, DOWN, 456, LEFT, 670, 2, 2, 2, 2)
-/* Counter clockwise rotations */
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(rp, RIGHT, 2, FRONT, 234, UP, 234, BACK, 670, DOWN, 234, 0, 4, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(lp, LEFT, 2, FRONT, 670, DOWN, 670, BACK, 234, UP, 670, 0, 4, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(up, UP, 2, FRONT, 012, LEFT, 012, BACK, 012, RIGHT, 012, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(dp, DOWN, 2, FRONT, 456, RIGHT, 456, BACK, 456, LEFT, 456, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(fp, FRONT, 2, UP, 456, RIGHT, 670, DOWN, 012, LEFT, 234, 2, 2, 2, 2)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_90(bp, BACK, 2, UP, 012, LEFT, 670, DOWN, 456, RIGHT, 234, 6, 6, 6, 6)
-/* Double clockwise */
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(r2, RIGHT, FRONT, 234, BACK, 670, UP, 234, DOWN, 234, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(l2, LEFT, FRONT, 670, BACK, 234, UP, 670, DOWN, 670, 4, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(u2, UP, FRONT, 012, BACK, 012, RIGHT, 012, LEFT, 012, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(d2, DOWN, FRONT, 456, BACK, 456, RIGHT, 456, LEFT, 456, 0, 0)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(f2, FRONT, UP, 456, DOWN, 012, RIGHT, 670, LEFT, 234, 4, 4)
-DEFINE_ROTATION_180(b2, BACK, UP, 012, DOWN, 456, RIGHT, 234, LEFT, 670, 4, 4)
-typedef enum {
- ROT_R = 0,
- ROT_L,
- ROT_U,
- ROT_D,
- ROT_F,
- ROT_B,
- ROT_R2,
- ROT_L2,
- ROT_U2,
- ROT_D2,
- ROT_F2,
- ROT_B2,
-} rotations;
-typedef void (*rot_f)(cube_t *);
-static const rot_f rot_func[] = {
- rotation_r,
- rotation_l,
- rotation_u,
- rotation_d,
- rotation_f,
- rotation_b,
- rotation_rp,
- rotation_lp,
- rotation_up,
- rotation_dp,
- rotation_fp,
- rotation_bp,
- rotation_r2,
- rotation_l2,
- rotation_u2,
- rotation_d2,
- rotation_f2,
- rotation_b2,
-static void perform_rotations(cube_t *cube, rotations rots[]) {
- while(*rots != NULL_ROT) {
- rot_func[*rots](cube);
- rots++;
- }
-/* Parsing rotations from input ***********************************************/
-#define PRIM_CHAR '\''
-static int str_to_rot(char *str, rotations *rot) {
- ssize_t len = strlen(str);
- int i;
- if (len == 0 || len > 2) {
- return -1;
- }
- const char rots_char[] = { 'R', 'L', 'U', 'D', 'F', 'B' };
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (str[0] == rots_char[i]) {
- *rot = i;
- if (len == 2) {
- if (str[1] == PRIM_CHAR) {
- *rot += 6;
- } else if (str[1] == '2') {
- *rot += 12;
- }
- else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-static rotations* parse_scramble(char **str) {
- ssize_t sz = 0;
- ssize_t i = 0;
- char *rot_str = str[0];
- while (rot_str) {
- printf("token: %s\n", rot_str);
- rot_str = str[++sz];
- }
- rotations *rots = calloc(sizeof(rotations), sz+1);
- for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- if (str_to_rot(str[i], &rots[i])) {
- free(rots);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- rots[sz] = NULL_ROT;
- return rots;
-static char **tokenize_rot_str(char *str) {
- const char *delims = " \n\t";
- ssize_t capacity = 20;
- char **tokens = calloc(sizeof(char *), capacity);
- int tok_cnt = 0;
- char *tok = strtok(str, delims);
- while (tok != NULL) {
- tok_cnt++;
- if (tok_cnt > capacity) {
- capacity *= 2;
- tokens = realloc(tokens, sizeof(char *) * capacity);
- }
- tokens[tok_cnt - 1] = tok;
- tok = strtok(NULL, delims);
- }
- tokens = realloc(tokens, (sizeof(char *) * (1 + tok_cnt)));
- tokens[tok_cnt] = NULL;
- return tokens;
-static rotations *rot_str_to_rotations(char *str_in) {
- char *str = alloca(strlen(str_in) + 1);
- memcpy(str, str_in, strlen(str_in) + 1);
- char **tokens = tokenize_rot_str(str);
- rotations *rots = parse_scramble(tokens);
- free(tokens);
- return rots;
-static int rotate_from_str(cube_t *cube, char *str) {
- rotations *rot = rot_str_to_rotations(str);
- if (!rot) {
- return -1;
- }
- perform_rotations(cube, rot);
- free(rot);
- return 0;
-static void init_cube(cube_t *cube) {
- for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
- cube->faces[face] = 0;
- for (int tile = 0; tile < 8; tile++) {
- cube->faces[face] |= (face << (tile * sizeof(face_t)));
- }
- }
-/* Printint cube state ********************************************************/
-static const char letters[] = { 'W', 'O', 'G', 'R', 'B', 'Y' };
-static const char *terminal_letters[] = {
- "W",
- "\e[35mO\e[0m",
- "\e[32mG\e[0m",
- "\e[31mR\e[0m",
- "\e[34mB\e[0m",
- "\e[33mY\e[0m",
-static colors get_tile_color(face_t face, int tile) {
- colors color = face >> (tile * sizeof(face_t)) & ((1<<sizeof(face_t)) - 1);
- assert(color <= 5);
- return color;
-static void dump_face(face_t face, colors buf[3][3]) {
- buf[0][0] = get_tile_color(face, 0);
- buf[0][1] = get_tile_color(face, 1);
- buf[0][2] = get_tile_color(face, 2);
- buf[1][0] = get_tile_color(face, 7);
- buf[1][2] = get_tile_color(face, 3);
- buf[2][0] = get_tile_color(face, 6);
- buf[2][1] = get_tile_color(face, 5);
- buf[2][2] = get_tile_color(face, 4);
- assert(buf[0][0] <= 5);
-static void fill_face(cube_t *cube, cube_side face, colors buf[3][3]) {
- dump_face(cube->faces[face], buf);
- buf[1][1] = (colors)face;
-static void dump_cube_grid(cube_t *cube) {
- int i, j, row, col;
- colors buf[3][4][3][3]; /* XD */
- memset(buf, -1, 3*4*3*3*sizeof(colors));
- fill_face(cube, UP, buf[0][1]);
- fill_face(cube, LEFT, buf[1][0]);
- fill_face(cube, FRONT, buf[1][1]);
- fill_face(cube, RIGHT, buf[1][2]);
- fill_face(cube, BACK, buf[1][3]);
- fill_face(cube, DOWN, buf[2][1]);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- for (col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
- colors color = buf[i][j][row][col];
- printf("%s", (color == -1 ? " " : terminal_letters[color]));
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
-/* Hash map *******************************************************************/
-#ifdef FACE32
-#define P1 ((uint64_t)516077606561857057)
-#define P2 ((uint64_t)217685325020058187)
-#define P3 ((uint64_t)843829397461693519)
-#define MOD_M 4200892139
-#define first_64(cube) (*(uint64_t*)((cube).faces))
-#define second_64(cube) (*(uint64_t*)((cube).faces+2))
-#define third_64(cube) (*(uint64_t*)((cube).faces+4))
-#define kh_cube_hash_func(cube) (khint32_t)((first_64(cube)*P1+second_64(cube)*P2+third_64(cube)*P3)%(uint64_t)MOD_M)
-#define kh_cube_hash_equal(cube1, cube2) (first_64(cube1) == first_64(cube2) && second_64(cube1) == second_64(cube2) && third_64(cube1) == third_64(cube2))
-KHASH_INIT(cube, cube_t, int, 0, kh_cube_hash_func, kh_cube_hash_equal)
-#endif /* FACE32 */
-/* Main ***********************************************************************/
-void test_scrambling() {
- cube_t cube;
- int i;
- char *buf = NULL;
- ssize_t sz;
- while (getline(&buf, &sz, stdin) != -1) {
- init_cube(&cube);
- if (sz == 0) break;
- printf("> %s\n", buf);
- rotations *rots = rot_str_to_rotations(buf);
- if (rots) {
- perform_rotations(&cube, rots);
- free(rots);
- dump_cube_grid(&cube);
- } else {
- printf("Rots == null :o\n");
- }
- }
- if (buf)
- free(buf);
-int main() {
- int ret;
- khiter_t k;
- cube_t cube;
- khash_t(cube) *h;
- init_cube(&cube);
- h = kh_init(cube);
- kh_put(cube, h, cube, &ret);
- rotate_from_str(&cube, "R D F");
- kh_put(cube, h, cube, &ret);
- for (k = kh_begin(h); k != kh_end(h); ++k) {
- if (kh_exist(h, k)) {
- dump_cube_grid(&kh_key(h, k));
- }
- }
- kh_destroy(cube, h);