local status_ok, neoscroll = pcall(require, 'neoscroll') if not status_ok then return end neoscroll.setup({ easing_function = "quadratic" }) local status_ok, config = pcall(require, 'neoscroll.config') if not status_ok then return end local t = {} -- Syntax: t[keys] = {function, {function arguments}} -- Use the "sine" easing function t[''] = {'scroll', {'-vim.wo.scroll', 'true', '350', [['sine']]}} t[''] = {'scroll', { 'vim.wo.scroll', 'true', '350', [['sine']]}} -- Use the "circular" easing function t[''] = {'scroll', {'-vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0)', 'true', '500', [['circular']]}} t[''] = {'scroll', { 'vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0)', 'true', '500', [['circular']]}} -- Pass "nil" to disable the easing animation (constant scrolling speed) t[''] = {'scroll', {'-0.10', 'false', '100', nil}} t[''] = {'scroll', { '0.10', 'false', '100', nil}} -- When no easing function is provided the default easing function (in this case "quadratic") will be used t['zt'] = {'zt', {'300'}} t['zz'] = {'zz', {'300'}} t['zb'] = {'zb', {'300'}} config.set_mappings()