\documentclass[../lic_malinka.tex]{subfiles} \begin{document} Model theory is a field of mathematics that classify and construct structures with particular properties. It desribes classical mathematical objects in a broader context, abstract their properties and study connections between simingly unrelated structures. Roland Fraïssé was French logician who established many important notions in contemporary model theory. He was one of the first to utilize back-and-forth argument, a fundamental model theoretical method in construction of elementary equivalent structures. The Ehrenfeuht-Fraïssé games is a concept that proved useful in classical logic, model theory, but also finite model theory (which is a filed of theoretical informatics rather than mathematics). This work study limits of Fraïssé classes with additional combinatorial and categorical properties. The key theorem \ref{theorem:generic_aut_general} says that a Fraïssé class with canonical amalgamation and weak Hrushovsky property has a generic automorphism. This result was known before, for example [DODAC GDZIE TO BYLO...]. However, we show a new way to construct a generic automorphism by extending the structures of the class by an automorphism and considering limit of such extended Fraïssé class. We achieve this by using the Banach-Mazur games, a well known objects of general topology which prove useful in study of comeager sets. The prototype structure of the paper is the random graph (also known as the Rado graph), the Fraïssé limit of the class of finite undirected graphs. It serves as a useful example, gives an intuition of the Fraïssé limits, weak Hrushovsky property and free amalgamation. \end{document}